With incident reports of domestic violence increasing during the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s more important than ever to put together a safety plan if you’re at risk of experiencing domestic violence.

In this Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast, Amanda Kubista Owen, a Mayo Clinic social worker, explains what to do if you’re being abused or if you know someone who may be abused. She talks about the steps to take to put together a safety plan, which can include:

  • Contacting your local sexual assault or domestic violence coalition
  • Having an exit strategy and a getaway bag packed
  • Keeping an old cell phone charged, which can call 911 even if it doesn’t have a carrier subscription
  • Creating a code with a neighbor or friend to discreetly communicate that you need them to call 911
  • Keeping an extra set of keys for your car
  • Stashing money if you’re able

Listen to the podcast below to learn more about why domestic violence incidents have risen during the pandemic and how to get help or help someone who may be at risk.