

In my days as a toddler, when we were asked what we would like to become in future, the answers goes on like;







And the the list goes on and on.


Oh how times have changed , In this age, the reverse have become the case.


Every young person hardly think of the list above, all they think is how to become a social media influencer.


Young girls now dance naked online.

Young Men would do anything to trend and go viral, what a pity.


Recently in a news, a province in SA was declared to have the highest statistics of HIV positive students. These are young folks who out to be in school, but sex in exchange for money have become their pursuits.


Indeed times have changed, when I was a little kid, only few persons would take up Pastoral service, but in this age, young men have taken ministry as a means of survival. 


Young Men who ought to be in school have ventured into ministry in the name of divine call. No wonder errors continue to linger within the body.


Even those who answered their call yesterday are now Apostles, what a shame. 


A generation that thinks mantles are given by titles. 


In my days we regarded sacred things, we would not dare insult a father, unfortunately in this age, all they need is a phone and a Little data, they would come online to correct and insult fathers. 


How did we arrive at this junction, what is the hope of the generations to come?


If we do nothing, the generation coming would be worse than this.

We need to go back to the basics, we need to return to the drawing board.


We need to Start teaching family ethics , parents needs to teach their children right values.


A disfunctional home will create a harzadous society. 

The church need to teach true kingdom culture and values. Enough of prosperity preachings. 


What shall it profit a man who gains the whole world and loses his soul? This is me thinking out loud.

