Pragya Nagra, a prominent Malayalam actress, has recently been involved in a controversy following the circulation of an alleged private video. Pakistani social media influencer Minahil Malik's private videos were leaked in October 2024. Malik denied the authenticity of the videos, claiming they were "fake," and reported the matter to Malayalam actress Pragya Nagra has spoken out for the first time about the viral videos that allegedly featured her, which have been circulating widely on social media. In a post shared on the platform X, the actress described the incident as a "bad dream" and clarified that the videos in question were AI-generated content. New Delhi: Malayalam actress Pragya Nagra has become the latest victim of a private leaked video scandal. The actress has now reacted to the private video leaked online and expressed her anger against the "evil minds". Earlier, TikTok star Imsha Rehman, Pakistani influencer Kanwal Aftab, Pakistani social media influencer Minahil Malik, and Mathira Mohammad, among others became the target Though the video's source is unclear, it has impacted her reputation. Pragya Nagra, a prominent social media personality with over 1.1 million Instagram followers, has made a name for herself in Pragya Nagra Leaked Video Controversy: Weeks after several Pakistani Tiktokers found themselves in the middle of their alleged private clips leaking online, the Malayalam industry seems to be the new target of this fiasco. Days after actress Divya Prabha, an intimate video claiming to be of Pragya Nagra has surfaced on the internet causing massive uproar among her fans and followers. Pragya Nagra's alleged private videos have leaked online, creating a significant buzz across social media. It remains unclear whether the footage is genuine or deepfake content circulating in For the unversed, Pragya Nagra is a renowned star in South India. She enjoys a massive following on social media. You will be amazed to know that she has more than 10 lakh
followers on Instagram. Pragya Nagra's videos and images on the popular photo-sharing platform garner immense love from fans in the form of likes and comments. Pragya Nagra has become the talk of the town ever since her alleged private videos leaked on the internet. However, the actress responded to the issue and shared a note on her social media handle. Pragya Nagra [8] played the role of a Malayali girl opposite Jiiva [9] in the Tamil film Varalaru Mukkiyam, [10] which was released in 2022. Although the film received negative reviews from both critics and the audience, Nagra's acting skills was noted by the industry now she is in tollywood may be in future she is in bollywood movies also [11]. She appeared in the Malayalam film Nadikalil ACTOR Use #pragyanagra 👇ADD ME ON SNAPCHAT👇.Watch the latest video from PragyaNagra (@pragyanagra). Skip to content feed. TikTok. Upload . Log in. For You. Following. Explore. LIVE. Log in to follow creators, like videos, and view comments. LoveOnTour 2022 Exploring Full Body Tattoos with xalisontx Kim Seon Ho and Hong Du Sik in